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Isaac and Penelope


We are a father-daughter duo, Isaac and Penelope, who have great friends in the supplement business. We want to provide you the very best product for a low price and make being healthy as affordable as possible for everyone. Please take a look and let us know how we can help you.

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My Story

The idea of Pen+Pops came along during the early stages of my fatherhood. My daughter and I had a meetup group called Father/Toddler Adventure Club. We met several families, making some of the best of friends along the way. We enjoyed finding other active families, particularly the father/child relationships that are often not easy to connect. I truly value this experience, but as time went on our kids grew into their environments. Penelope moved out of her toddler days and began building her friends circles. She became more independent with her "play dates" and I transitioned into more of a logistics operator for her activities. We still work to maintain that active relationship, but I believe that active parenting lifestyle laid the foundation for a strong, responsible, and respectful child.


We would like to use this platform to share and support healthy/active parenting. Initially, I intended on building an event management non-profit organization that would tie together locally supported activities to parents. I still plan to support this, but as an investment for our future, I decided to loop it to my involvement in the nutrition industry. Since 2007 I have been involved in the nutrition industry and developed a strong network of friends with quality supplements formulated into incredible consumer products. I understand not all formulations are for everyone, so I want to offer individually encapsulated products to those who need only that ingredient. This is the reason for our four products. As time goes on, I’m sure we will come up with new offerings.


Pen+Pops promotes healthy living, part of that is quality nutrition to keep you going. Our products contain the best of what you can find in the market at therapeutic dosages. We offer the source of that ingredient, potency of actives, and identify it on the bottle. We want to educate everyone on the value of these ingredients. For this reason, we encourage the consumer to research supportive studies, so you know what to look for in a product. I know very well that you need to look out for yourself. We hope we can offer you the very best bang for your buck.


We have a very limited offering of products and do not expect to rapidly expand. If you have an ingredient, you are looking for, and would like us to investigate a source, please let us know. Pen+Pops is a side gig with a hopeful future. We focus on developing supply chains for quality ingredients and happy to do what we can to add to our portfolio.


Last but not least, we will be pushing to become a non-profit business. Our focus is on active parenting and want to help those struggling to do so. Initially we intended on donating directly to foster homes, but a friend informed me that this is already covered by agencies. For this reason, we will directly sponsor reunified families. We hope this helps alleviate the struggles of being there for their children.


Pen and I look forward to sharing with you some of our adventures, friends, and discuss useful topics of interest. We are thrilled to get this going and so happy to connect and support others out there. Thank you for taking the time to read a little about our background and what we hope to do together.





Penelope’s dad


Feel free to shoot me a message, and I will gladly get back to you!

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Pen+Pops, Irvine CA 92602

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